Healing is possible!

For many of us, the act of being born can be a profound and sometimes challenging experience. Whether it's the trauma of separation from the womb or the overwhelming sense of responsibility that comes with parenthood, these moments shape our relationship with the mother archetype.

A gentle guided visualisation meditation

Experience a gently-paced visualization meditation for Healing Mother's Wounds. This does not replace your current medical or therapy. It complements existing therapeutic practices focused on healing your inner child and maternal wounds from a universal perspective. Seek deeper assistance from your therapist or Akanista Holistic Counselling team when needed.

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Let Karuna help you guide in this healing journey

Karuna serves as a Chaplain and Buddhist Faith-Advisor to Imperial College London and Royal College of Arts. Before moving to London in 2009, he had been a Buddhist monk for 15 years in Sri Lanka and Thailand and holds a Masters Degree in Buddhist Studies from SOAS, University of London. In 2012, he co-founded the Akanista Limited.

He is also a RYT500 Yoga teacher.